Floyx ! - The Place to be in 2021 Home > Cryptocurrency > Article
3 years ago By Chriss — External link to Floyx ! - The Place to be in 2021
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Publish0x - Earn Cryptocurrency for blogging Home > Cryptocurrency > Article
4 years ago By Cyclonegtm — Earn Crypto for Publishing AND for Reading or Watching quality stuff! Publish0x is a Crypto agnostic platform where both authors and readers earn in Crypto
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Torum, the Place to be in 2021 Home > Cryptocurrency > Article
4 years ago By Chriss — External link to Torum, the Place to be in 2021
#cryptocurrency #torum #xtm #blogging #clan
The Chronicles of the Modern Man! #3 - Blogging Guide - Sapien Home > Cryptocurrency > Article
4 years ago By Chriss — Hello, Good Morning/Evening to all!Welcome to this third article of my Blog 'The Chronicles of the Modern Man'.The year 2020 is slowly coming to an end, an
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How to create XML sitemap for your WordPress website Home > Technology > Article
4 years ago By Dstyle — XML sitemap is important for every website. But when working with wordPress, everything becomes much easier - use one of the plugins and create a sitemap.
#blogging #seo
Learn how to find and edit WordPress files Home > Technology > Article
4 years ago By Dstyle — If you're struggling to find the right code in your theme and plugin files, these plugins will help you to locate template parts and to edit them directly.
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Interview with Jean-Baptiste Jung Home > Business > Article
4 years ago By Dstyle — CatsWhoCode is a web development blog which is run by Jean-Baptiste Jung, where he shares WordPress insights and helps people understand it better.
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The Complete cPanel Guide for WordPress Beginners Home > Technology > Article
4 years ago By Dstyle — Even when working with WordPress, you will have to know your way around cPanel. Learn how to work things in cPanel and improve your website.
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Interview with Vlad Olaru Home > Business > Article
4 years ago By Skylimit — Vlad Olaru is a co-founder of Pixelgrade company which is focused on developing WordPress themes for people who are in need for a smashing looking website.
#business #blogging
Learn how to enable automatic WordPress updates for plugins Home > Business > Article
4 years ago By Skylimit — You can automatically update WordPress plugins just by copying a simple function. If you want to update only some of them, there's a free plugin for the jo
#wordpress #blogging