How to send a WhatsApp message using voice commands with Siri on your iPhone?

To send a WhatsApp message using voice commands with Siri on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have the WhatsApp app installed on your iPhone and Siri activated.
  2. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the contact or group chat you want to send the voice message to.
  3. Press the side button or home button (depending on your iPhone model) to activate Siri.
  4. Say something like "Hey, I's sending you a voice message on WhatsApp" to dictate your message to Siri.
  5. Once you've dictated your message, Siri will ask you if you want to send the message. Confirm by saying "Yes".
  6. Siri will then send the voice message to your WhatsApp contact or group chat.

Please note that this feature relies on Apple's servers translating your voice into text and may not consistently work. Additionally, voice messages sent with Siri are limited to 60 seconds in some cases.

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