How to Fix Unspecified Error When Copying File or Folder in Windows?

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By Wright in Technology
Updated 9 months ago

Copying files and folders in Windows can be a tedious task, and it can be difficult to troubleshoot if an unspecified error occurs. This article will discuss how to fix this error and ensure the successful transfer of files.

1. Check the File or Folder Path: The first step is to make sure the file or folder path is correct. This includes checking the source and destination folder locations. If the file or folder path is incorrect, the transfer will not complete and an unspecified error will occur.

2. Check File or Folder Permissions: The next step is to check the permissions of the file or folder. To do this, right click on the file or folder and select “Properties.” Under the “Security” tab, make sure the user has the correct permissions to read, write, and modify the file or folder.

3. Check the File or Folder Size: The size of the file or folder being copied can also impact the success of the transfer. If the file or folder is too large, the transfer may fail due to insufficient storage space.

4. Check the File or Folder Format: Finally, make sure the file or folder is in the correct format. If the file or folder is not in the correct format, the transfer will not complete and an unspecified error will occur.

In conclusion, to fix an unspecified error when copying a file or folder in Windows, check the file or folder path, permissions, size, and format. By following these steps, the file or folder can be successfully transferred.