Rainbow Six Siege's Y6S1.3 patch will nerf Jager, buffs Tachanka

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By Tarikul in Technology
Updated 3 years ago

Rainbow Six Siege's new Y6S1.3 patch will be live on the test server soon and several key changes to strong operators will be tested before they hit the live servers. Ace is one of the central focuses of this patch. He's losing his smoke grenades and gaining a claymore, which will significantly alter the time it takes for him to execute a plant. The ability to open a hard wall by yourself and block lines of sight for your own plant is significant. Now, Ace can't do it all himself and will require more coordination. As a little treat, he'll be able to deal with Mira's Black Mirrors easier with his S.E.L.M.A. gadgets, which will now destroy them.
