Ryan Zimmerman to Open a New Office in Mexico City for His Apparel Manufacturing Segment – Arzee

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By Megansoto in Business
Updated 3 years ago

Ryan Zimmerman is the founder and CEO of Arzee, an apparel manufacturing company. Since 2016, Arzee has been working with national brands, high-end designers, as well as small startups to manufacture best-in-class apparel. "Arzee was born as I realized the great need for reliable manufacturing with a customer-centric approach. Before Arzee, I launched my label under the same name. However, I struggled to find quality manufacturing that truly offered the services needed for a new designer," Zimmerman says. "I ended up partnering with one factory in the United States, opening an office next to their production line, and creating the Arzee we know today. At that time, I couldn't find someone forward-thinking with their finger on the pulse of the fashion industry to fulfill my manufacturing needs. However, that gave me an idea for a new business. I knew I could create a company that provides both great service and quality," Zimmerman explains.
