How to Ban or Unban Someone on Discord?

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By Badar in Technology
Updated 9 months ago

Discord is a popular communication platform used by gamers, streamers, and other online communities. It allows users to communicate with each other and collaborate in real-time. In some cases, it may be necessary to ban or unban someone from the Discord server. This article will explain how to ban or unban someone on Discord.

1. Banning a User:

To ban a user from the Discord server, the server administrator must first open the server settings. Then, they must navigate to the ‘Bans’ tab and click on the ‘Ban’ button. This will open a window where the administrator can enter the user’s username and select the reason for the ban. Once the ban is confirmed, the user will be removed from the server.

2. Unbanning a User:

To unban a user from the Discord server, the server administrator must open the server settings and navigate to the ‘Bans’ tab. Here, they will be able to view the list of users who have been banned from the server. To unban a user, the administrator must click on the ‘Unban’ button next to the user’s name.

3. Additional Options:

In addition to banning and unbanning users, the Discord server administrator can also choose to delete the user’s message history and kick them from the server. This can be done by navigating to the ‘Members’ tab in the server settings and selecting the ‘Kick’ or ‘Delete Messages’ options.

This article has provided a guide on how to ban or unban someone on Discord. It explained the steps to ban a user, unban a user, and delete the user’s message history or kick them from the server. By following these steps, the server administrator can easily manage the user base on the Discord server.