How to Fix Portrait Mode Not Working in FaceTime on iPhone?

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By Abdullah in Technology
Updated 8 months ago

Portrait mode is a feature that helps users to take better selfies on FaceTime. However, if the portrait mode is not working properly, then it can be a real hassle. Fortunately, there are several ways to fix portrait mode not working in FaceTime on iPhone.

1. Check the Camera Settings: The first step is to check the camera settings on the iPhone. Make sure that the camera is set to portrait mode. Additionally, check if the camera settings are set to the default settings.

2. Restart the iPhone: If the camera settings are set correctly, then the next step is to restart the iPhone. This will help to reset the settings and the portrait mode should start working again.

3. Update the iOS Software: If the portrait mode is still not working, then the next step is to update the iOS software. This will help to fix any bugs or glitches that may be causing the portrait mode to not work properly.

4. Contact Apple Support: If all the steps above have been taken, and the portrait mode is still not working, then the last step is to contact Apple Support. They will be able to help troubleshoot the issue and get the portrait mode working again.

In order to fix portrait mode not working in FaceTime on iPhone, it is important to check the camera settings, restart the iPhone, update the iOS software, and contact Apple Support. With the right steps, the portrait mode should start working again.