How to Fix Not Enough Disk Space Error in Steam?

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By Abdullah in General
Updated 10 months ago

Most of us are familiar with the 'Not Enough Disk Space Error' while trying to download games on Steam. This error can be frustrating and can disrupt our gaming experience. Fortunately, there are easy ways to fix this error and get back to gaming.

1. Free Up Space:

The most common way to fix this error is to free up some disk space. Uninstall any unnecessary programs or games, delete temporary files, and clear your browser’s cache. Also, make sure to delete any unwanted files or folders.

2. Move Games to Another Drive:

If you don’t want to delete any files or programs, you can move them to another drive. This will help you to free up some disk space. You will need to create a Steam Library folder on the other drive and then move the games you want to that folder.

3. Increase the Size of the Drive:

If you don’t want to move the games to another drive, you can increase the size of the drive. To do this, you will need to use a partitioning tool. This will help you to create more space on the drive and fix the error.

4. Update Drivers:

If none of the above methods work, you can try updating your drivers. Outdated drivers can cause the error, so make sure to update them regularly.

Not enough disk space error in Steam can be easily fixed by freeing up disk space, moving games to another drive, increasing the size of the drive, and updating drivers. With these simple steps, you can get back to gaming in no time.