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By Unclejay in General
Updated 4 years ago

​SourceGirls, ladies, women are very incredible beings. Their ways are so different from men and they are never straight forward. They are what we called indirect communicators. If a man wants something he will simply go straight to where it is and demand for it as the case may be. But for a woman, when she wants something. Instead of going straight to it, she would rather employ strange techniques. Expecting the other person to read her mind and do her bidding. For relationship, if a girl likes a guy, she will never tell him instead she will be showing him different green lights from time to time. Expecting the guy to notice and oh she wants me. Let do this. Some guys already knows this and do decode when a girl is giving them green light. But some guys don-t usually get the green light until it wear off out of the girl. When the guys later realise what they missed, it already too late for them. So, guys, have you ever missed out on a green light that you wish you never did? Wha
