Finding your passion

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By Ragnar in General
Updated 4 years ago

Before you take off on a business adventure you can increase your chances of being successful by taking the time to uncover your passion. The quickest and most efficient way to do this is to use the five exercises provided below.Reflect on what you loved to do as a child.Begin by making a list of the things that you loved doing the most when you were a kid. After making the list tick off the items you would still enjoy doing today even if they no longer seem practical. Ask yourself how you could implement these things into your life now and which items could help you shape your career choice.Make a creativity poster. Posters are cheap and it doesn't have to be anything fancy; purchase one, bring it home and place the words "New Business" right in the middle of the poster. Get creative with it: Write it, cut the letters out of an old newspaper or magazine and stick it to the middle, do whatever you would like to do to get started. After you have your "New Business" poster, start surroun
