Motherhood Could Have Cost Olympian Allyson Felix. She Wouldn't Let It | News Portal | NewsBreak

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By Olachi in Sports
Updated 3 years ago

This is original content from NewsBreak's Creator Program. Join today to publish and share your own content. llyson Felix can still hear the screams. In late 2018, the six-time Olympic gold medalist was sitting in the neonatal intensive-care unit of a hospital outside Detroit, watching her weeks-old daughter fight for her life. Camryn, born premature at 32 weeks, was hooked up to monitors; an alarm would go off when doctors needed to stimulate her breathing. But as frightening as those alarms were, it's the screaming from a mother in another area of the NICU that still haunts Felix: piercing howls that wouldn't stop. Nurses rushed to close Felix's doors. She still doesn't know what happened to that mother's baby, but she couldn't help but imagine the worst. And this, she thought to herself, could happen to Cammy.
