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By Kingsley_Mel5 in Lifestyle
Updated 4 years ago

Fashion has always been a crucial a part of how people define themselves intrinsically it are often a strong tool of influence. this will be direct: studies show we are more likely to trust and even obey orders from people wearing suits or uniforms . Fashion's influence also can be indirect and constitute a sort of soft power. Perhaps the foremost obvious function of dress is to supply warmth and protection. Many scholars believe, however, that the primary crude garments and ornaments worn by humans were designed not for utilitarian except for religious, or ritual purposes. Other basic functions of dress include identifying the wearer (by providing information about sex, age, occupation, or other characteristics) and making the wearer appear mmore attractive. Although it's clear why such uses of dress developed and remain significant, it can often be difficult to work out how they're achieved. Some garments thought of as beautiful offer no protection whatsoever and should actually eve
