Prepare before going into marriage.

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By Brothertech12 in General
Updated 4 years ago

Marriage is an institution established by God for a specific purpose. It is essential for anyone going into marriage to know the purpose because when you don-t know the purpose abuse is inevitable. The purpose of marriage is as follows:CompanionshipPleasurePurity and Procreation.The above purposes are the major reason while God constituted marriage. Having know the purpose, avoid abusing it in order not to invite the wrath of God.Don-t go into marriage when you are not ready. Although some make grave mistake of rushing into marriage with the thought that they will cross the bridge when the get to it. This is a dangerous mindset. Research has shown that couples that are not well prepared have a higher divorce rate because of failure is inevitable when you fail to prepare.You must be mentally, emotionally, psychologically and financially stable before you can go into marriage in order to avoid a sudden crash in your marriage. Age is not a determinant of marriage but maturity. You may be
