How to Fix Emails Stuck in Outlook Outbox?

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By Amaka in Technology
Updated 9 months ago

Emails stuck in the Outlook Outbox can be a very frustrating experience. Fortunately, there are some easy steps that can help you fix this issue and get your emails sent.

1. Check Your Internet Connection: The most common cause of emails stuck in the Outlook Outbox is a weak or unstable internet connection. Make sure your internet connection is strong and stable before you proceed with the other steps.

2. Resend the Email: If the email is stuck in the Outbox, try to resend it. You can do this by selecting the email and clicking on the ‘Send/Receive’ button.

3. Restart Outlook: If the email is still stuck, try restarting Outlook. This will refresh the application and may help in sending the email.

4. Delete the Email: If none of the above steps work, you can try deleting the email from the Outbox. You can then create a new email and send it.

In order to fix emails stuck in Outlook Outbox, you should first check your internet connection, then try to resend the email, restart Outlook, and if all else fails, delete the email and create a new one.